Tuesday 5 January 2016

Some of the most effective ways to drop a size or two don’t involve exercising or restricting foods. Losing weight takes a lot of sweat and discipline, but even if you’re not powering through a treadmill interval workout or counting calories, there are a lot of simple ways to see those pounds drop on the scale.
Employing these 10 little tricks daily will help you lose weight, no gym or diet required.
1. Start each meal with a glass of water.

You’ll stay hydrated and feel fuller instantly, which can help you from overeating.
2. Move more.
Even if you’re not dedicating an entire chunk of time to a workout, you can burn a few extra calories by making an effort to move a little more during the day. Taking breaks to walk around the office, opting for the stairs instead of the escalator, and parking a little farther from the office entrance are all simple ways to up your calorie burn.

3. Don’t Drink Your Calories.

It’s a common reason why you’re not seeing results—those empty calories from a daily soda, morning juice, or large glass of wine at dinner can really add up. Stick to water flavored with a fresh ingredients like cucumber, lemon, or mint in order to save on important calories.
4. Snack on high protein, high-fiber foods.
When it’s time to snack, make your food work for you. Steer clear of the empty, high-calorie options like chips and crackers, and go for protein- and fiber-rich foods that taste good and fill you up too. You’ll be able to eat fewer calories while still feeling satisfied.

Composition of various exotic fruits isolated on white background
5. Get more sleep.

Lack of sleep can cause you to eat more throughout the day and not have enough energy for your workouts, so aim for at least seven hours of sleep every night. It’s an easy and effective way to keep your weight-loss goals on the right track.

6. Make simple swaps.

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