Sunday 20 December 2015


During the single stages of every lady, this is the best time you can ever take to make decisions, choose who you wish to spend the rest of your life with, and this time also is time best time you can take to make all the necessary preparation toward your destiny, because when you become a married woman the chances will me limited take note, I don't mean you won't make those decision but by then you will have other prior needs to Care for, so now learn this rules and apply it, you will really see the positive results. 
>>Here are the rules>>

Rule1. Don't take every guy you meet seriously. Most of the time, they take only one part of you seriously. The rule here is "love all, trust those who earn it".

Rule 2. Avoid people with negative energy, it rubs off. Find people who will push you to be the best.
Rule 3. When going into marriage, the man you will marry will  determine 99% of your happiness or 99% of your misery. So be wise when choosing.

Rule 4. Remember you will meet some quiet number of men before you finally meet the right man.

Rule 5. Whoever breaks your heart, makes you feel stronger.

Rule 6. If you have a dream, work, save and plan toward it because the time for singleness is the real time for Actualization.

Rule 7. When it come to your dignity, be wise, not all men are angel or God sent, and not every man is worth you, if he can wait, let him wait so take your time to study him.
Rule 8. Mingle yourself with married couples, have them as friends of the same sex, see how they react toward family challenges.

Rule 9. Learn to be an economist, when it come to management, dont spend more than what you earn for this rule will be of great help when you get to his house.

Rule 10. Don't listen to criticism and don't get involve, be that gentle lady for you don't know where he is sitting and admiring.

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