Wednesday 16 December 2015

I often think about the qualities of an amazing woman that can make her irresistible in the eyes of her dream man, or that could make her love herself even more. I know that every person is unique as well as every taste and preference is unique too, but still, there are certain qualities of an amazing woman that every men wants to find in his dream lady. Here is how I think the ideal woman would look like in the eyes of a man.

I believe that one of the most important qualities of an amazing woman is definitely her confidence. Every woman should possess this quality! I know that you may not feel very bold all the time, but with a little help you can achieve that in no time. A woman that is very self-confident, that trusts her abilities and exudes confidence all the time, is totally irresistible in the eyes of men everywhere. So, what are you waiting for? Show off this incredible quality of yours


This is another extremely important quality that every woman should possess in order to be true to herself and to attract the man of her dreams. Obviously, a lot of men want to be with a lady who is sincere and honest and who doesn’t like lying or cheating Well, who wouldn’t? Even though most men want to create the impression that they’re really tough, they still can get hurt pretty easily and that’s why they want to trust the woman with whom they’ll be in a relationship. So, try to be sincere, and even though you may think that the truth will scare him, I think he’ll appreciate your honesty!

I think that every man wants to be with a woman who is understanding and nice, who’s not nagging him all the time and who's not trying to control his life. Also, a man would really love a woman that accepts him the way he is, that loves him for who he is and who doesn’t try to change him. I wouldn’t like someone try to change me either; I would gladly try to improve my behavior to make somebody happy, but that would be my choice.


Most men are attracted to women who show they care about the people, animals or things around them. They want to be with someone who’s nice and caring and who can satisfy their need for affection  because most of them are only big babies inside that tough exterior. So, don’t be afraid to show your feelings; just try not to smother him because, just like you, he still needs his freedom and that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you.


Men are powered by their ego, which is a known fact and a sextrait they have. You don't have to constantly compliment men all the time, but be encouraging! A man likes to know if he gets a promotion at work, makes a great meal, is having a hard time, or dealing with a life issue, that he has your encouragement and support. Tell him, leave him a note, or even send a card. He'll love you for it!


Let's say you're having guests over, or a few of his friends stop by your place or his while you're both there. Be hospitable to them by offering something to drink, offering to pull out a snack, or even better, offering to have a group of friends over for dinner. Invite his parents over, or bring them something small and thoughtful when you visit them. Men love hospitality in women. It shows you have class, emotion and a heart!


This one just has to be noted, girls! Be sure you're a lady at dinner and have good manners. Chew with your mouth closed, use a napkin, and don't smack your gum. Saying "Yes ma'am" and "No sir" to necessary individuals is also a great manner to have. Men like manners, even if they don't use their manners themselves!
These are, in my opinion, the most important qualities every woman should possess to attract the man of her dreams. I know my list is kind of incomplete so that’s why I need your help. What are some other qualities a woman needs to win the heart of her 
dream man? Do tell!


To be contented here, I mean you have to be satisfy with what he gives you, thank him and show a lot of appreciation, this will give him that encouragement to love you more.


Men hate women who demand a lot irrespective of their financial state, it will surely or soon become a burden, so reduce you demands and be satisfy with what he offer to you at that point in time.

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