Thursday 3 December 2015

What is a toxic relationship?
In this post I will enlighten the women who are  are into a relationship (a wrong one I mean) as a female there are certain individuals who are not fit for you not because they are bad but because God does
not prepare them for you or maybe because of their bad characters
When going into a relationship especially the one that can lead to marriage, you have to study it very well, take as much of your time as you can because marriage is an earthly forever agreement, so the type of man  you marry will determine who you will be and how happy your family will turn out to be.
When a relationship is toxic, we say that it is the one that are rude, not understanding, a relationship that is filled with jealousy, the one that will end up in an ugly way, some that are so blind in it always end up in regretful marriage.

Why does some women still remain in such relationship even though they knew it is toxic?
Recently I discovered that a lot of young  women are being harassed in a relationship, some are been threatened like a slave, why others are been deprived of their right, then I wonder and if you ask them, the lady will say that "I love him" yes it is good to love but what if that relationship is not good for your health, are you still going to remain?
How to identify a toxic relationship.
A toxic relationship have some characteristic to help identify it easly even though some already knew it they are still in it or maybe they don't know the consequences of it, now if you experience some of this characteristic in your relationship then it might turn out to be a toxic one, take note.

1. Cutting you short.
Are you in a relationship where the man keep on cutting you short,
A man who will never allow you to express your feeling, he always
thinks your ideas don't count or he think you don't suppose to say when he is talking, be careful that might be a toxic relationship.

2} Disassociating you from your friends.
This is a very bad act to display in a relationship, when your fiance is trying to disconnect you from your friends giving excuses of disliking their character for they might corrupt your manner, this is wrong because those your friends haven't corrupt you till now, is it now that you both are together that your friends will corrupt your manner?
That might be a toxic man or woman, be careful.

3} using of emotional abuse.
     Emotional abuse can be a very hurtful act in a relationship, a man who makes you feels bad about yourself, cutting you to size, using bad statement towards you in a jovial manner even in public or among your friends, if a man truly loves you, he should praise you in public, make you look like a queen before your friends,  any man who makes you feel bad about your self, who use you to crack joke in public, who call you all manner of names is not worthy of you, be warned.

4} Use of isolation.
Using of isolation can nearly mean the same thing as disassociation from friends but here the man hate seeing you shaking hands, taking with friends when he is around you, in fact he feel too jealous when he/ sees you having conversation with people that are better than him, he will always feel upset, a real man will make u feel free, let his trust in you count.

5} Trying to know your were about every time.
Most guys are familiar with this act, let me tell you, when ever a man is acting like this, it is either he said he is caring, but to me that is jealousy, lack of trust especially when he call you and ask you questions like "where are you"  "what are you doing" "who are u with" and maybe when you tell him it is a friend, then he will ask you again "is it a man or a woman" it sound crazy, please be careful of these type of men.
6} Snooping into your calls.
     When ever your fiance or  your date is trying to know who ever called your and reasons of call or maybe when ever you receive a call and then drop the phone, he will pick it up and scroll through your contact to know who called you then maybe when he eventually see a name like  jack on your list, he will use his phone to transfer the contact to his phone then call jack to know who he is or to threaten him to stop calling you, hmm, that might be a toxic man, the same also applied to the ladies.

7} Comparing you with an ex.
I don't know if you are in a    relationship where the man is always comparing you with his ex fiance or girlfriend, maybe you made  mistakes, let say you mistakenly served him food without a jug of water, he will bark at you, sometime he mind end up telling you that his ex is better than you, note that a man don't suppose to compare his woman with his ex.

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