Sunday 15 November 2015

Submitting a blog to webmaster can be that easy but till today some people still find it very difficult even though they can google it anywhere in the web, so today i decided to do this posting to help some that are finding it very difficult to submit the sites/blog to webmasters.
 take note that it is very important to submit your site or blog to webmaster or search console for search optimization on google.
remember you just create a blog and sit down then you expect to to start generating traffic automatically, you just have to do some work here'.
   Now back to main discussion, a webmaster help to crawl your blog through the web this help your blog to gain insight on google search engine
now to submit your blog to webmaster visit WEBMASTER follow the necessary steps
but don't worry i am not going to leave you like that, here i will give you step by step guides on how to do this with pictures 
 Now when you are done clicking on WEBMASTER a page will open up requesting you to sign in to search console

you will be taken to another page where you will have to add property, type in the name of your blog then click on continue

here a verification page will pop up,i prefer to use the alternative method

click on HTML tag copy and paste the code it usually begin this way {<meta name="google-site-verification" content="0LlSqcigehobsy_q4PtsZ9sfipw_Qluhp1bfJ9lvFx4" />}

go to your template and click on edit HTML now using ctr F locate <header> 
paste the code just bbefore the <header> and click save

it is ok, now go back to webmaster verification page and click on verify 

that will be all by now your blog should appear in google search console but if it dosnt appear just give it twenty four hours to become activated
you can also use this simple method to submit your site in a very easy way to all the search engines  and follow the little steps involved.
dont forget to share 

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